Huntingdonshire Day

Huntingdonshire Flag

Huntingdonshire Day is on the 25th April, birth date of Oliver Cromwell


, considered the county’s most famous son and selected by the Huntingdonshire Society in tandem with the registration of the county flag. A museum dedicated to Cromwell


in Huntingdon, is located in the former grammar school attended by both Oliver Cromwell and Samuel Pepys.

In 2021, Karl Webb,

the Mayor of Huntingdon, put in a fine effort to celebrate the county day, donned in his suit of county flag colours, with Huntingdonshire flag badge and matching facemask, he distributed key fobs bearing the county flag, to passers-by! He is seen here 

in front of the Huntingdonshire Council offices and the flag was also raised over Huntingdon Town Hall

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